Are we related?

The answer lies in your saliva (actually cheek cells) and molecular genealogy!

Throughout the world there is an intense interest in the origins and histories of people.  For some genealogy is a hobby, while for others it is part of finding out who they are. Molecular Genealogy links individuals together in "family trees" based on the unique identification of genetic markers. This is accomplished by using the information encoded in the DNA of an individual and/or population to determine the relatedness of individuals, families, tribal groups, and populations. Pedigrees based on genetic markers can reveal relationships not detectable in genealogies based only on names, written records, or oral traditions.

The Indian continent is blessed with an extraordinary diversity of human populations.  Each caste or tribe in the Indian continent is a unique population group because they don't intermarry outside their caste or tribe.  Yet we are all related.  Not only the tribes and castes within the Indian continent are related but also the entire humanity in the world.  As human beings we all share approximately 99% of the same genetic material, and today we think we originated in Africa and spread and diversified into so many tribes throughout the world.  The Indian tribes have mixed and separated to form new castes over thousands of years.  Thus we are all some how very closely related. Yet some of us are more closely related than others are. For example, my siblings are the closest to me, next closest are my cousins, then other Vepachedu clan members, and so on. The relationship goes on diluting as we go farther.

It would be interesting to have a genealogical map of all of us so that we trace our relationships and ancestries.  It would be very interesting to find out how we are related to the other tribes in the rest of the world. The fact that DNA is inherited and that each individual is the product of his/her progenitors means that DNA can be used to not only create unique identifications, but also to identify members of the same family or clan or tribal group.

In order to reconstruct molecular genealogies it is necessary to utilize known biological relationships and correlate this information with the transmission of genetic markers through time. As individuals trace their biological relationships into the past, lineages will begin to "coalesce" into common ancestors. All persons receive genetic material from their biological parents. This fundamental principle of genetic transmission means it is possible to determine the origin of genes based on common ancestry and known modes of inheritance. Because this process is repeated every generation all individuals carry within their DNA a record of who they are and how they are related to all of the other people on the earth.  We are lucky to be in the US, where immigrants from every corner of the world including many tribes from the Indian continent are living.

The main goal of the Molecular Genealogy Research Project (MGRP) at BYU is to construct a worldwide genealogical/genetic database that will be used to trace the origin of family lines in the absence of written records. The first stage of this project focuses on the collection and analysis of genealogical and genetic data collected from people around the world. Once the database is fully functional, individuals can be tested genetically to determine the geographic origins of their ancestors. This type of service will become available as soon as every population will be adequately represented in the database.  Individuals 18 years or older from all geographic and ethnic backgrounds are eligible to participate in the construction of the MGRP database.  Our voluntary participation in this research is very important to discover our relationships.  The more we participate in the project the better the results would be.

What do we need to do? Voluntarily, just send a sample of your saliva with four generations of genealogy to Brigham Young University. It is that simple. Your genealogy will be recorded.

If you are interested, please contact Dr. Ugo Perego at (801) 461-9775 or at (801) 509-9157. You can also email him at  Or contact Sacha Macek at (801) 461-9783 and  Also visit for more details.

Dr. Ugo Perego or Sacha Macek will send you a kit that enables you to send your saliva, genealogy chart up to four generations and a consent form. And don’t forget to include your tribal identities. Each sub-caste needs at least 50 volunteer samples). This is free and voluntary.  This may not result in any benefit immediately to us, but our genealogy will be recorded forever for our offspring, the future humanity.  And finally, your privacy is protected under the laws of the government of the United States of America.  Your identity will never be released.  That is why it is more important to give detailed information of caste/tribal identity.

Note that I am just a volunteer participating in the research.  Please pass on the information to your friends and relatives. Thank you for your interest and participation in advance.
Sreenivasarao Vepachedu
One World One Family

Read more at:
Ancestral stories hidden in our DNA

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